Institutional shareholder changes
Identifying and tracking your top institutional holders and their share ownership changes enables you to implement proactive, targeted strategies for connecting with investors with significant voting power.
Knowledge of the ebbs and flows of your shareholder base is a critical driver of both your corporate strategy and investor relations blueprints. From understanding trends related to equity purchases and sales, to potential shareholder activism and the factors that may be driving an activist’s pursuit for change, Georgeson’s insights can illuminate the unknown.
Georgeson Shareholder Intelligence compiles real-time trading data based on market intelligence and shareholder trends, share movements, potential shareholder activist risks, and more. Dedicated analysts review an extensive and complex range of resources and distill it into succinct, actionable reports. Your board and executives will receive reliable reporting and can schedule regular calls to discuss insights with our team.
Identifying and tracking your top institutional holders and their share ownership changes enables you to implement proactive, targeted strategies for connecting with investors with significant voting power.
Enhanced vote projections, investor wolfpack analysis, and board of directors vulnerability assessments can help prepare your company for likely activist scenarios. Detecting early signs of activist interest can provide an opportunity to mitigate activism threats.
Boards need access to relevant, up-to-date information to make informed decisions and prepare for annual meetings. With tailored investor and proxy advisor profiles that provide insight into the decision making process, engagement priorities, historical voting tendencies, as well as buying and selling trends that may forecast activist accumulations, directors will have the data they need at their fingertips.
Tailored investor data enables tailored communication strategies. With this, your company can proactively reach out to shareholders, or prospective shareholders, with real-time information, laying the groundwork for building and maintaining positive relationships.
To learn more about Georgeson Shareholder Intelligence stock watch and market surveillance services and investor communication strategies, contact us today.